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The Davie County Schools' Board of Education is comprised of seven members elected to a four-year term of office.

The Board acts only when meeting in official session with a quorum. In 2016 and every four years thereafter, four members of the board shall be elected to four-year terms. In 2018 and every four years thereafter, three members of the board shall be elected to four-year terms. Beginning in 2016, the Board of Education is elected on a partisan basis.

The Board of Education has general control and supervision of all matters pertaining to the public schools of the school district and the authority to enforce school law.

All powers and duties conferred and imposed by law respecting public schools, which are not expressly conferred and imposed upon some other official, are conferred and imposed by law upon the board.

The board establishes general policies in keeping with the needs of the community and the requirements of state law. The board considers some of its most significant duties to be the following:

  1. providing every student with the opportunity to receive a sound basic education as defined by the North Carolina Supreme Court in Leandro v. State;
  2. providing leadership and direction through the formulation of goals and objectives, especially in defining and setting high academic standards for student success;
  3. creating policies that establish standards, accountability and evaluation of essential operations of the school district;
  4. taking steps necessary to help ensure legal compliance of board and school district functions;
  5. performing judicial functions by conducting hearings as appropriate or required by law regarding decisions of school district personnel or the board;
  6. hiring a superintendent, supporting the superintendent in his or her administration, and evaluating and responding to recommendations made by the superintendent, including recommendations pertaining to the educational program and facility needs;
  7. considering the budget recommended by the superintendent, presenting the budget to the county commissioners and adopting a budget after evaluating whether the county commissioners' appropriation is sufficient to support a system of free public schools; and
  8. being an advocate for the school district, staff and especially for students, in all interactions with other governmental entities and the public.

Public Participation

The public is invited to participate in all regularly scheduled monthly Board meetings. To speak to the Board during a session, please register with the Board Attorney or Board Clerk before the beginning of each regularly scheduled meeting. Public comments are welcome and will be heard during the "Public Address to the Board " item on the agenda. Public speakers will be asked to limit remarks to three minutes and refrain from referencing specific students or personnel. Board members will not respond to individuals who address the board except to request clarification of points made by the presenter.

If a citizen or parent has a concern, the board recommends first working with teachers and principals, who can resolve most concerns. If you believe that a law, policy or rule has been violated, you should use the grievance procedure established by the Board. Matters which cannot be resolved at the school level should be taken to the appropriate Assistant Superintendent, then to the Superintendent before approaching the Board.

To view board meetings via live stream, click here.

Board of Education Resources


The Superintendent is appointed by the Board and administers the school system in accordance with board policy and state law. The Superintendent manages the budget, supervises staff and students, and makes recommendations about the operation of the school system.