Student Growth and Achievement
We will support every student to achieve their potential through continuous growth leading to college, career and life success.
Strategy: FOSTER effective teaching in every classroom.
- Refine and strengthen professional learning communities.
- Develop a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
- Incorporate instructional and engagement strategies in daily lessons.
- Implement blended learning practices to maximize instruction.
- Establish a grading framework to build consistency and reflect students’ mastery of content.
Strategy: PROMOTE student growth for ALL through fully implementing MTSS in all schools.
- Embed social emotional learning daily with purpose.
- Strengthen core instruction.
- Analyze data to know where students are and adjust instruction to respond to student needs.
- Provide research based interventions with consistency and fidelity.
Strategy: STRENGTHEN instructional leadership through professional development and coaching.
- Create and implement a consistent coaching model.
- Implement professional learning communities for leaders across the district.
- Provide professional development for all instructional staff with intentionality.
- Align teacher evaluations with student learning.
- Reinforce reflective practices and continuous improvement of instruction.