Material Distribution
To request distribution of approved non-school material, please complete the online form for material distribution, in addition to submitting a PDF version of the actual flyer to Lauren Seats via email. You may submit a request to distribute approved printed materials using the following link:
Request Distribution of Non-School Materials
Once the request and materials are received and reviewed, you will receive notification and instructions, when approved. If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Seats via email or call 336-751-5921.
Policy Code: 5210 Distribution of Religious and Political Literature
Policy Code: 5240 Advertising in the Schools
Non-school materials will be limited to information regarding programs from:
Mocksville/Davie Recreation Department
Other non-profit agencies
Golden Opportunity Partners
Services offered should relate to:
Tutoring/mentoring services
Character development
After-school care
Golden Opportunity Partner Information
Materials must include: This is non-school material that is neither endorsed nor sponsored by Davie County Schools.
Materials should not have information coming back into schools. EXCEPTION: Limited community outreach programs providing charitable services such as Book Bags of Hope, Toys for Tots, A Storehouse for Jesus, Toy Store, etc. will be allowed to have information returned to the schools.
NOTE: Information provided in Spanish must be the same as the approved English materials. Groups providing charitable services are encouraged to provide information in Spanish as well as English.