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Thank you to the many volunteers who continue to make a difference in Davie County Schools each year. Your support is invaluable! 

For the 2024-2025 school year, we have updated our volunteer program, along with clarifying several volunteer roles listed here in Board Policy 5015 .

ALL volunteers for the new school year, including those who have been with us for a long timewill need to complete a new volunteer application using the Volunteer Tracker by TransACT system.  Please review the updated board policy 5015 linked above, the volunteer handbook, and the volunteer code of ethics before you begin. If you need assistance with online registration, click here for a video from TransAct. If you have previously signed up in Volunteer Tracker, you are able to log in with your same email and password to access the system.

Each school will host a volunteer training, required by board policy, and you will receive notification of those date(s) from the schools where you have selected to volunteer.  Once approved, and you have attended orientation, we ask that you log your hours in our Volunteer Tracker, as we look forward to celebrating and recognizing our top volunteers at the end of each school year. 

Sign in and Sign out
Each school has a terminal in the front office for all visitors, including volunteers, to sign in and out when visiting a school. The system generates a label for the visitor/volunteer, but it does NOT interface with the Volunteer Tracker. Please continue to log your volunteer hours in the Volunteer Tracker website.

Thank you for all that you do to support the students and staff of Davie County Schools!

If you have questions, please contact Lauren Seats at 336-751-5921 or