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Curriculum & Instruction


NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework that promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices as well as Social Emotional Learning (SEL). NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem-solving to maximize growth for all. The DCS Curriculum Department works closely with the Exceptional Children’s Department, Instructional Coaches, Literacy Coaches, and Administrators to implement MTSS in all schools.


  • Jennifer Custer - EC Director
  • Jennifer Lynde - Chief Academic Officer
  • Jennifer Kacerek
  • Aimee Farr
  • Melissa Kistner
  • Karen Sylvester
  • Jackie White
  • MaryBeth Young
  • John Marshall
  • Cherri White
  • Anthony Davis

DCS Instructional Framework

What is an Instructional Framework?

An instructional framework provides a structure that helps teachers design and deliver effective instruction. The framework also identifies the key components that facilitate quality teaching, so that teachers, school administrators, and district staff can recognize and talk about instruction using a common language.

Why an Instructional Framework?

To Improve Student Learning Outcomes

Purpose of an Instructional Framework in Davie County Schools

  • Consistency in communication of expectations.

  • Common language to support collaboration around high quality instruction

Professional Learning Communities

A professional learning community (PLC) is a group of educators that meets regularly, shares expertise, and works collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students.  PLCs are an integral part of the DCS Instructional Framework.