The Board of Education believes that the education of children is an ongoing cooperative partnership between the home and the school. Parents are their children’s first teachers; therefore, the continued involvement of parents in the educational process is most important in fostering and improving educational achievement. School system officials shall strive to support parents and provide parents with opportunities to become involved in the programs offered by the Title I schools.
Board of Education Policy # 1320 Parental Involvement
Definition of Parental Involvement
For the purposes of this policy and the Title I program, the term “parental involvement”
means the participation of parents and guardians in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication.
What it means for My Child, what it means for Me, as a Parent? (PDF)
¿Lo que entiende mi hijo o hija es lo mismo que yo como padre o madre? (PDF)
You have the right as a Title I parent to
•Provide suggestions and ideas into the development of the site Title I Plan in a “timely and meaningful” manner
•Receive information in an understandable format and to the extent practicable in a language you understand
•Conference with your child’s teacher, observe or volunteer at your child’s school
•Have your student test results explained to you in an understandable way annually
•Provide suggestions to and annually receive the District Board Policy for Title I parent involvement and the site parent involvement policy
•Attend annual Title I parent meeting
•Meet at other times in the year in a place and time convenient
•Receive written notice if your child’s school becomes a school in need of improvement including your right to school choice, transportation, and supplemental services
•Help design the Title I Parent Involvement Program
•Receive training in how to help your child succeed academically
•Help design teacher training related to helping teachers increase their skills and understanding of working with parents as equal partners
•Receive information on the qualifications of the staff teaching your child
•Receive a description of your school’s Title I services and the school curriculum
•If you are also a parent of an ESL student, you have the right to receive annual written notice of the different ESL programs available to your child and your right to not participate in them
•Receive information on whether your child attends a “persistently dangerous” school
•Provide annual feedback on the success of the Title I parent involvement program
•Receive a list of parent resources
•Look at your child’s performance and be sure you understand where your child stands in reading and mathematics.
•Talk with your child’s teacher(s) and principal to find out how you and your school can work together to improve your child’s performance.
•Be aware of your school’s performance under NCLB and the ABCs.
•Communicate your school’s success to your community and look for ways to support your school in challenging areas.
Educators cannot improve schools alone. In North Carolina, we’ll reach these high standards as a partnership with parents, local districts, and communities, For more information, go to Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA.)