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School Health


• Prepare students to achieve their full potential by becoming responsible for their personal health decisions and practices. 
• Promote a healthy environment.
• Identify and correct health problems which are a deterrent to learning. 
•Educate to prevent and support policies to control the spread of infectious diseases. 
•Provide health education/services for students and school personnel. 
•Promote the eight components of a comprehensive school health program. 

Lori Dingler, RN, BSN, NCSN 
Lead School Nurse, 336-751-5921
Mebane Education Center 

Medical Advisor to School Health Staff
Dr. Takashi Hirata
Medical Associates of Davie at Hillsdale



Head LicePer the current recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Association of School Nurses, and Centers for Disease Control for the detection and treatment of head lice, Davie County School Nurses no longer conduct mass screenings of all students for head lice infestation. Head lice DO NOT cause disease, nor is it a sign of poor hygiene. Anyone with hair can get head lice. Head lice are common in school-aged children and your help is needed in helping prevent this annoying problem.

Please check your child’s hair and scalp carefully at least once a week following the steps below.

STEP 1: Find a comfortable well-lit spot

STEP 2:  Check the hair from the scalp to the end of the hair strand. First, look at the hair at the back of the neck, behind the ears and above the forehead. Then, check the rest of the head.

STEP 3:  You are looking for live lice and/or eggs. Nits (eggs) are glued to hair close to the scalp (6mm or 1⁄4 inch). Nits are white to light brown in color and may be confused with dandruff. Nits are firmly attached to the hair and do not move unless you slide them down the hair strand.

STEP 4:  If you find a louse or nit, check all household members. Treat only those who have head lice or nits with lice treatment shampoo.

STEP 5: Let the school know if your child has head lice or nits.

Make weekly head checks part of your routine.
Scratching and itching of the scalp may be a sign of head lice.
If your child has long hair, keep it tied back.
Teach your child not to share hair accessories, hats, combs, brushes, etc. with others.  

Initial Parent Letter Information on Head Lice (Spanish - PDF) 

What To Do If Your Child Has Head Lice (PDF) 

What To Do If Your Child Has Head Lice (Spanish - PDF)